Career skills at the University of Victoria
Getting prepared for an exciting and rewarding career is one of the biggest reasons why international students choose to earn their degree abroad. UVic is highly ranked for preparing career-ready graduates — learn more about how the University will help you build your professional experience and skills.
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During your degree
As you progress through your program toward your career, you’ll have access to a wide range of hands-on experiences, resources and services, including one of the largest co-op programs in all of Canada.
UVic’s Career Services offers all the tools you’ll need to maximize your professional potential.
While you’re a UVic student, you’ll benefit from:
Get a part-time job while you study
In addition to gaining work experience through the University’s co-operative education program, many international students also have the option to work on- or off-campus during the academic year. Working while you earn your degree is a great way to gain professional experience and help pay for your expenses.
Get paid work experience through the co-op program at UVic!
Open to both domestic and international students, UVic’s co-operative education (co-op) program offers a great way to get valuable professional experience as part of your degree. For most programs at UVic, co-op is optional but encouraged; for some majors, such as Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Engineering, co-op is a required part of the curriculum.
Here’s how you can shape your future by studying at UVic
Career skills, networking and work experience can all make finding a job easier.

Take advantage of the opportunities at UVic
It’s never too early to start preparing for your future.
Top 3 reasons to participate in co-op
- Add real-world work experience to your résumé
- Build professional connections and networks
- Earn an average of CAD$50,000 over 16 months
#2 comprehensive university in Canada
Maclean’s University Rankings 2024
52% of co-op students get job offers before they graduate
so they can start their careers
CAD$3,552 average monthly salary
for undergraduate co-op students
100,000+ co-op placements
since UVic launched the program
94% of UVic students do experiential learning
at least 1 co-op or practicum by graduation
300+ co-op programs
offered as part of UVic degrees
After graduation
After you’ve earned your degree and gained valuable career skills, you can take what you’ve learned into the workforce. UVic is there to support you even after you graduate!
How UVic can help you:
- AbeBooks
- Aecon Construction Group
- Amazon
- Babcock Canada
- BC Transit
- Canadian Space Agency
- Carmanah Technologies
- Global Affairs Canada
- Microsoft
- RebalanceMD
- Rocket Lab
- Tesla
- Western Digital Thailand
And many more!
Want to explore your study options?